Prayerfully Entering 2016

Dear Friends and Partners,

Thank you for supporting our orphans. Sponsoring a child is an enriching life experience that you will treasure forever! As 2015 comes to a close, everyone here at CCMI (Christ Care Ministries International) wants to thank you for everything you have done to help those in need. Your donations and love have truly gone a long way.

In November of every year, all schools close. There are very little academic activities in Kenya. In my community (Migori), there are more physical activities: preparing land for planting, traditional male circumcision, playing soccer, and many other festivals associated with the Christmas season. One of our orphans who always looks forward to the holiday season is Duncan.


Duncan (pictured) lost his father in 2007 due to inter-tribal post-election violence. During the same attack, his mother was raped by a gang that left her infected with HIV, and devastatingly, she passed away in 2011.

Duncan, who is the older of the two siblings, was taken off the streets of Nandi Hills in 2012 by a Good Samaritan (a young man from our community). Duncan and his younger brother used to wander, begging travelers for food. In 2013, Duncan joined Christ Care Orphanage after his only guardian passed away due to severe cholera.

Duncan sat for the recent national exams (KCPE, which is for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education). He not only passed, but performed well. Praise God! 

Duncan gave his life to Jesus Christ eight months ago. Although still very traumatized, he has forgiven the people who killed his father and raped his mother. All because of the forgiveness he has received through Christ Jesus!

We would love to send Duncan to high school in 2016, but are currently lacking the funds. Please consider empowering Duncan by sponsoring him through high school. We continue to pray and trust God for these basic needs.

A total of five orphans from our orphanage (Duncan included) sat for their KCPE exam. All of them passed well and should join high school next month. Now we need help from all our partners to take these orphans to high school. Please prayerfully consider sponsoring our children. No gift is too small! 

As you already know, the ultimate purpose of Christ Care Children’s Home is to bring honor and glory to God and to transform the lives of the children in our care. We work to give them a home, an education, and with that, a future. Thank you for sharing in this work. We appreciate your commitment to helping the orphans and widows in this community. And we certainly couldn’t do it without you.

Deepest gratitude,
The Children and Staff of Christ Care