The Story of Belinder

As I’m writing these words, I want you to know that we count you as a wonderful blessing as our friend and partner in ministry.  We want you to know that God is blessing this ministry because of the faithfulness of so many precious partners like you. We thank God for you and your faithfulness to His work as we seek to feed, clothe, shelter the orphans and widows in this community as well as spread the Good News of salvation through Christ. I’m so grateful that the Lord has called you to stand with us and help take the Gospel message, in word and action, to the world around us.

Together, we are making a difference for eternity! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all you are doing for the work of the Lord!  Because of your commitment and generous support, our orphans have all their basic needs met, our staff members have some support for their families and tens of non-Christians receive Christ every month.

Belinder is one such orphan, and she is a former street child whose life has greatly changed by your generosity. This is her story:

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My name is Belinder. I was born in 2000 or 2001. Unfortunately, no one knows the exact year. I am the third child in a family of four children.  My childhood was full of hardship, abuse, and tragedy. When I was about 5 years old, my father passed away after a long illness. In Luo culture (my family’s culture) the widowed wife is inherited by the late husband’s brother. The same tradition was expected of my mother Pamela. Knowing that my uncle was HIV positive, my mother refused; she wanted to remain healthy to be able to care for me and my siblings. Because of her defiance, my mother was beaten, our house was burned down, and we were chased away from the extended family.

In 2006, my mother brought me and my siblings to Migori town where we lived on the streets. We lacked consistent food, clothing, shelter and care. Without the safety of a home at night, my mother, my sister, and I were susceptible to violence and sexual abuse by men, who would rape us in front of my brothers. After years of sexual violence, my mother became ill with HIV/AIDS.

One day in 2011, my mother, who had become very weak, left to collect food remains from the county waste location, but this time she never returned. After weeks of searching for her without success, my older brother left in tears, never to be seen again. My older sister Caro and my younger brother Hannington and I continued to live on the streets. We ate from garbage bins and were harrassed on a daily basis. We hoped to die.

But God had a different plan. In 2012, Helen, late CCMI staff member, saw my siblings and I sleeping under the main bridge on river Migori. She asked our story and tears began to flow in her eyes. She asked us to go with her to where she works, but my sister refused and ran away with my young brother. I wanted to follow my sister, but I was too sick to run away, so Helen carried me to the CCMI Orphanage. There I met Pastor Wicklife, who was once a street child himself. He was patient with me and took care of me.

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I have suffered numerous infections due to my former life on the streets. I thank God I am HIV negative. Please pray for me as I continue to battle asthmatic conditions and chest problems. Soon, I will be free and totally healthy.

No longer do I have to live on the streets and eat from the garbage. I am fed, cared for, and loved by Pastor Wicklife, his wife, and the staff and teachers of CCMI. They have shared the gospel with me both in word and in deed. Today, I am experiencing new life in Christ. I gave my life to Christ in 2015, and I was baptized by Pastor Wicklife in the dam next to the church on Christmas Day 2015.

I received my elementary education at the CCMI Academy, and after four years I was able to take the National KCPE (Kenya Certificate of Primary Education) exam. In October 2015, I qualified to attend Moi Nyabohanse Girls National School, courtesy of my excellent performance in English language. As a Christian Union Leader at my high school, I have had the privilege to introduce others to Jesus Christ and help them grow in the Lord through one-on-one discipleship. 

I am so very, very thankful to God for all the sponsors of CCMI.  I am praying for continued support from the generous partners of CCMI, so that I can continue my education. I have two more years to go in High School.

The above story is just one of the many stories which can be told because of the sacrificial gift of our donors. On behalf of all the orphans, students, teachers, and staff of CCMI, I want to thank all our donors and prayer partners for their continued support. Your love through prayers, donations, and encouraging communication has achieved good work. We thank God for His provision through the financial and spiritual partnership of people like you. Without it, what we do would be impossible. To God be all the glory for all that is being accomplished.

We depend on volunteers to help us. If you would like to share your time, just let Daryl or Kate know. We would be delighted to see you here. Lilian and I want to thank you for all of your support, kind words and prayers. May God bless you today and always for being a friend and vital part of the CCMI family.

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With deepest gratitude,
Pastor Wicklife Jeremiah Omendah
Founder and Director of CCMI